Print Perfection

Print Perfection

How Custom Water Bottle Labels Will Help Your Brand Succeed

If you’re looking for a creative and effective way to promote your brand, custom water bottle labels may be the perfect solution. Labelling your products can help boost the visibility and recognition of your brand in a unique and eye-catching way. Not only that, but branded water bottles also make great promotional items that customers will remember and use time and again. With so many benefits, it’s no wonder why more businesses are turning to custom water bottle labels as part of their marketing strategy.

Tailored Designs for Targeted Audiences

Personalization allows businesses to create custom water bottle labels specifically tailored to their target audiences. By collecting and analyzing customer data, brands can gain insights into their consumers’ preferences, demographics, and purchasing behaviours. Armed with this knowledge, businesses can design labels that resonate with their target audience on a deeper level. Whether it’s using specific colours, imagery, or language, personalized labels have the potential to connect with consumers on an emotional level, leaving a lasting impression.

Cost-Effective Promotion

Branded water bottle labels are a cost-effective way to promote your brand. They are relatively inexpensive to produce, especially when compared to other forms of advertising, such as billboards, television ads, or print ads. Additionally, custom water bottles with your logo and branding can be reused multiple times, which means your brand message will continue to be seen by your customers even after the initial purchase.

Stand Out from Competitors

Custom water bottle labels are also a great way to differentiate yourself from your competitors. With so many brands vying for consumer attention, a unique and eye-catching label can make all the difference. By customizing your water bottle labels, you can showcase your brand’s personality and values, which can help you build a loyal customer base.

Functional and Useful

Another advantage of custom water bottle labels is that they are highly functional. Water bottles are a necessity for many people, whether they are working out, hiking, or simply on the go. By placing your branding on a water bottle, you are providing your customers with a useful item that they can use in their daily lives. This not only increases the likelihood that they will use your water bottle regularly, but it also ensures that your brand message will be seen by others who may not have heard of your business before.

Technological Advancements

Advances in printing technology will undoubtedly enhance the impact of custom water bottle labels in the future. With improved printing capabilities, businesses will be able to create stunning and detailed designs that were once unimaginable. This opens up exciting possibilities for innovative label designs and techniques that will further elevate brand recognition and consumer engagement. From holographic labels to interactive QR code labels, the future of custom water bottle labels is bound to be a visual feast that captivates consumers.

Increase Brand Recognition

Custom water bottle labels can also help you increase your brand recognition. By putting your logo and branding on a water bottle, you are essentially creating a mobile billboard for your brand. As your customers use your water bottles, they are exposing your brand to others, which can help increase your visibility and recognition. This is especially important if you are a new business trying to establish yourself in a crowded marketplace.

Integration with Digital Marketing

With the increasing presence of technology in our daily lives, it’s reasonable to expect that custom water bottle labels will integrate with digital marketing strategies. QR codes and augmented reality (AR) technology, for example, can be incorporated into labels to provide interactive experiences for consumers. Scanning a QR code on a water bottle label could lead users to exclusive content, promotions, or even gamified experiences. This blending of physical and digital marketing will create a more immersive and engaging brand experience, further solidifying the impact of custom water bottle labels.

Integration with Customer Loyalty Programs

Personalized labels can also be seamlessly integrated with customer loyalty programs. By linking a unique identifier on the label to a loyalty program, businesses can enhance their customer relationships and drive repeat purchases. For example, scanning a QR code on a water bottle label could unlock loyalty points or exclusive rewards. This not only incentivizes customers to choose your brand but also fosters a sense of exclusivity and appreciation.

Commitment to Sustainability

Finally, custom water bottle labels are a great way to show your customers that you care about their health and the environment. By offering reusable water bottles, you are providing your customers with an eco-friendly alternative to disposable plastic water bottles. This not only helps reduce waste but also shows that your brand is committed to sustainability and making a positive impact on the planet.


In a crowded marketplace, it’s essential for businesses to find innovative and effective ways to promote their brand and engage with consumers. Custom water bottle labels offer a powerful solution, allowing businesses to stand out from competitors, increase brand recognition, and connect with their target audience on a deeper level.
As technology continues to advance, the future of custom water bottle labels holds even more exciting possibilities, such as personalized designs, interactive experiences, and integration with digital marketing strategies. By investing in custom water bottle labels, businesses can not only promote their brand but also demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and make a positive impact on the planet.

Info and images sourced from

Posters Can Be Super Effective And Offer Great Benefits

Posters can be a highly effective medium for advertising and promoting a product, service or event. They are a visual medium that can quickly capture the attention of a target audience, convey key information, and leave a lasting impression.
One of the main advantages of poster printing is that posters can be highly targeted. They can be placed in specific locations, such as on billboards, in store windows, or on public transport, where they are likely to be seen by a relevant audience. This means that businesses can reach their desired customer base more efficiently, as opposed to using a more general form of advertising.
Poster printing is a cost-effective option for businesses. They are relatively inexpensive to produce and can be displayed for an extended period of time, which means that they can reach a large number of people for a relatively low cost. This makes them a good option for small businesses or those on a tight budget.
Another benefit of using posters is that they can be highly creative and eye-catching. They can use bright colours, bold fonts, and striking images to grab the attention of potential customers. This can make them more memorable than other forms of advertising, such as radio or television ads, which can be easily forgotten.
In addition, posters can be used to create a sense of community and engagement. They can be used to promote local events, such as festivals or fairs, and can bring people together around a common interest or cause.
In conclusion, posters are a highly effective and cost-effective means of advertising and promoting a product, service or event. They can be highly targeted, allowing businesses to reach their desired customer base more efficiently. They are also a creative and eye-catching medium that can leave a lasting impression on potential customers. They also have the ability to create a sense of community and engagement among the audience.

11 Reasons Why Posters are so Effective:


1. Affordability

One of the key benefits of poster advertising is its cost-effectiveness. Creating, printing, and installing posters is relatively inexpensive, and they can remain in place for a long period of time. This allows businesses to reach a wide audience at a much lower cost than other forms of advertising, such as radio or television.
Another advantage of poster advertising is that it is typically a one-time investment. Unlike other forms of advertising, such as pay-per-click or social media marketing, which require ongoing payments, poster advertising only requires a single payment to a reputable poster frame company. These companies offer indoor and outdoor poster frames and printing services at affordable prices and often use high-quality digital presses to ensure that the posters are visually striking and easy to read. The investment in poster advertising will pay off through increased brand awareness and lead generation.

2. Visibility

Marketing professionals and print experts understand the power of a well-placed poster frame. Whether you are advertising a product or service, a poster in the right location can capture the attention of potential customers. Posters can be displayed in a variety of venues, including outdoor spaces, shopping malls, metro stations, and other public areas. Strategic placement of the poster frames can increase the chances of reaching the target market.
The large size and visual impact of posters make them an effective tool for raising a company's visibility. A cleverly designed poster with a visually compelling message can make a lasting impression on potential customers and increase brand awareness.

3. Reliability

Interestingly, research has shown that traditional forms of print media, such as newspapers, magazines, and poster frame advertising, are considered more trustworthy sources than online advertising and pay-per-click or social media advertising. Posters, in particular, are often found in public spaces, which can contribute to their perception as being more visible and reliable than other forms of advertising.

4. Size, Design, and Flexibility

Posters can help in the message you want to send to the targeted audiences. The creative possibilities are limitless. From attractive text styles in the frame eye-catching graphic design and clever written content, the adaptability to put an effective marketing message wide range of scale is simply the best. The good poster frame design is animated and catchy.
At the point of when people think of marketing posters, they tend to think of the 20" x 30" standard frame size film poster. As one of the more flexible types of frame marketing materials, marketing poster frames literally come in different shapes and sizes - often including the following sizes of poster frames:
  • A5
  • A4
  • A3
  • A2
  • A1
  • A0
  • 20" x 30"
  • 30" x 40"
  • 40" x 60"
The availability of different sizes of poster frames allows for a wide range of marketing opportunities. For example, smaller poster frames can be placed in areas with limited space, such as on a bulletin board or in a kiosk. Larger poster frames, on the other hand, provide more design flexibility and can make a greater visual impact to grab attention.
When it comes to designing and creating poster frames, the possibilities are virtually endless thanks to the use of digital resources. From large headlines to smaller text that draws people in for a closer look, from subtle, earthy colours to bold, eye-catching designs, the design options are limited only by one's imagination. Professional photos, illustrations, and drawn visuals can all be used to create striking and effective posters.
One of the major benefits of advertising posters is their ability to communicate a wide range of marketing messages. They can be used to build brand awareness, promote a product or service, announce a sale or special event, or support a local charity. These are just a few examples of the many types of marketing messages that are well-suited for poster advertising.

5. Recall

Compared to viewing other product or service advertisements, poster advertising is more easy and reliable for the audience. There seems to be something about poster information that our brains find more pleasure in and easier to process. Some research carried out in the USA has shown that people are more likely to recall an advert they saw in a poster frame, especially if there is written something that needs more attention.

6. Local Impact

Choosing the location of your posters is a very important step. Location is significant and somewhat connected to the demographics of your targeted audience. The poster needs to be placed best spots where there will be seen by the most number of people. Location will affect the size of the poster frame as well as percept its contents such as images, text in a poster frame, colours, etc. A good frame poster in a local area, busy street, shopping centre, public escalator or convenience can work wonders for a captive audience. Place the right campaign message in front of the target audience and get seen! Take full advantage of the creative ability of advertising posters to reach large audiences in high footfall and car traffic areas.

7. Emotional Response

Poster advertising is a popular form of outdoor advertising that can effectively target customers by appealing to their subconscious responses. A well-designed poster can evoke emotion and create a connection between a product or service and the customer's heart and mind. Utilizing emotional visual imagery in posters is a powerful way to create a strong and lasting impression on potential customers.

8. Call to Action

A poster campaign is an effective way to boost marketing efforts. Though it has a long history, it remains a relevant and valuable form of advertising. Make the most of the space by creating a clear, direct call-to-action for your audience, such as "Buy now," "Book today," "Call now," "View the product," "Use our discount code," or "Enter the competition." A poster campaign can be an effective tool to increase product visibility and customer engagement.

9. Drive Online

There’s a lot of discussion between traditional and online advertising, but it doesn’t need to be either-or. Before people posted on, Twitter, and Facebook, they used actual posters! Why not use one medium to promote the other? Use poster advertising to raise the profile of your Twitter handle or post-campaign hashtag, post QR codes, encourage social media such as Instagram, Twitter followers or make your poster go viral.

10. Posters are Versatile

Posters can be utilised for various advertising purposes. Whether you want to promote an event, or if you simply want people to learn about your product or service, they can be effective. Posters can be used by both large and small size businesses, they can be easily placed in outside or inside locations, and they can be utilised to promote temporary or permanent offers.

11. Great ways to spread brand awareness

Posters are an effective tool for increasing brand awareness. One of the key principles of successful marketing is ensuring that all elements of your marketing program, such as content, colour, logo, and design, are cohesive and coordinated. Advertising posters are an effective way to create consistency and synergy with your other marketing materials. Whether you're rebranding or launching a new website with different colours, copy, and design, posters can quickly and inexpensively get your new visuals and messaging in front of the public. They are larger than e-books and flyers but smaller than billboards, and when designed with a compelling message and great design, they can create high levels of engagement. Additionally, they can reach a wide audience, especially in high-traffic locations. When designed to align with the core elements of your marketing strategy, posters have the power to build and enhance your brand in a significant way.

Poster Design Tips

Poster Design Strategies: Here are some tips to enhance the effectiveness of your poster advertising for your products, services, or brand:
Consider your poster frame as a mental bookmark for the customer - a well-designed poster will make your message stick in the audience's minds. A successful poster should be distinctive, concise and attention-grabbing.

  • Make the posters easy to read to your customer. Use a large, attention-eye-catching headline. Put the important message in a font about half the size of the poster frame headline. Make any fine print small and less important.
  • Use one large frame. Whether you use an image, drawn, illustration or text in the frame, a dominant image view from a distance is important. And Use eye-catching elements. To capture customer attention at a glance, go bold coloured frames for posters.
  • Focus on various exposures. Create a product page or web version that can be sent on Facebook, Twitter, or other social media. The art of Exaggerating spacing between design elements. This will increase the visual effect and clarity from a distance.
  • If the advantage of poster advertising attracts you to your marketing strategy, you’re sure to have questions about the poster frame printing process. That’s our feature. We have mentioned some of your curiosities below:

What standard size should my poster frame be?

It depends on your marketing strategy and targeted audience. Take some time to brainstorm effective display areas for your posters. For example, advertising to town areas purpose might call for bigger, bolder displays than the rural audience. Posters framed in windows will scale differently than ones on billboards. Need help with the analyzing process? We’d be glad to pitch some great ideas.

What should I print my poster on?

Posters need to be durable, particularly if they will be frequently handled or displayed outdoors. It is important to prioritize durability in both the print material and ink used. Lamination can also extend the lifespan of your poster. The recommended materials will vary depending on where the poster will be displayed. For example, outdoor displays will require more robust elements and finishes, such as water resistance. Advertisers Printing can advise on the best material for your specific needs.

What are the best file formats for printing poster frames?

Having an attractive poster design is important, but if it is not optimised for wide-range printing it may not produce the desired results. To ensure a high-quality finished product, it is best to submit a print-ready PDF with cut and crop marks.
Another important consideration is cost. Advertisers Printing offers high-quality and affordable budget-friendly solutions for all your printing needs.

Personalise Your Boutique Wine With A Custom Label

Need wine bottle labels designed to connect your vintage to your personal brand? Try Canva!


Design your personal vintage

No matter what style of wine you are – red, white, light, full-bodied, or bubbly, Canva can help you get your wine bottle label design right. And if all great design starts with a great concept, then our beautifully designed wine-themed labels are there to get you going.
Our drag-and-drop design tool means you can also customize your label as much – or as little – as you like! Choose complementary fonts to create an ornate, classically themed design inspired by Old World wine labels or maybe go for something altogether more funky and fun. Use Canva’s drag-and-drop design tools to create a design that reflects your personal vintage.

Choose from our library of over 1 million images and design elements

Choose among the many amazing label templates to put on your wine bottle by customizing the various design elements within the layout. Our library of over a million stock photos, images and design elements makes it easy to add your own touch. If the free images are not doing it for you, our premium ones are available for only a small cost for each one-time use.
You can also upload your own logo, photo, or even one of your own illustrations. Whatever it is, just drag and drop them into your design and tweak them away until it looks spectacular.

Share, show off and collaborate

When you are done, don’t stop there. Tell the world, or at the very least your friends and family. If you are a budding wine entrepreneur you might want your fellow oenophiles to see what you can do.
Even if you’re working with a team on the other side of the world, Canva makes it easy to collaborate on designs. Click ‘Share’ to email it directly to a contact or send a link to anyone who needs it. You can even ask for comments on your masterpiece. And if you really want to share your design with the world, then getting it onto Twitter or Facebook takes just another click on the ‘Share’ button.

Print your wine label in stunning high resolution

Getting your design off the screen and onto your bottle is as easy as clicking the ‘Download’ button. Save your design as a high-quality PDF to print at home or at a professional printer. And you’re all done! All that’s left will be to celebrate and raise a glass to your newly labeled wine – cheers!
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Table Talkers - All You Need To Know

What is a Table Talker?

Table talkers are a multi-faced point-of-sale display popular in the services and retail industries. Often with three, four, or six faces, they are most often used as counter or tabletop displays and made from either card or clear plastic so they stand up independently.
Printed table talkers can have three faces or more. They arrive flat so they’re less likely to get damaged in transit and have a peel-off sticky tab to assemble on arrival.
Table talkers are one of the most popular POS (Point of Sale) promotional tools out there, and you’ve probably seen them used in loads of different ways, but what’s the best way to use them for your business? We’ve gathered our top table talker ideas and how to use them so you can get some inspiration!

6 Popular Table Talker Ideas

The following options are all popular ways to use table talkers as both promotional POS tools and for personal use.

Wedding Table Talkers

Table talkers are a great way to number your tables to help guests find their way to their seats before a wedding breakfast or other wedding meal. You can also use wedding table talkers to detail each course of the meal – if the meal is three courses long, even better! It’s a perfect fit!
Not sure what the best way to design something like this? You can use our free wedding table talker design templates and customize them to suit your event.

Restaurant Table Talkers

Table talkers are also a great way to advertise set menus and special offers in your café or restaurant. Since you’ll be using each ‘face’ for one dish, you can get really visual with high-quality photographs of the food to tempt customers into ordering specific meals. They’re also easy to brand in a way that matches the interior décor of your restaurant – just add your logo and colours to the design and keep fonts consistent with your main menu.
They’re also a great choice for bar menus as multiple people can view them at once, unlike a standard flat menu. Pop a few along your bar to make the happy hour rush a little easier!

Price Lists

Thanks to their tall skinny shape, table talkers are also often used as price lists and work great in salons, spas and other businesses that have set prices for different services. They can be placed in full view on a counter or reception desk, so customers can review prices before making a decision.
With three sides, you could keep your prices on one side and any special deals on the other two to entice customers into spending a little more.

Support a Cause

Rather than sticking to a classic pile of flyers, why not scatter some table talkers around a waiting room to promote a cause? By standing up, these neat little tools stand out from other, flatter marketing materials and force readers – especially ones waiting around for an appointment – to notice.
We love this example of an NHS table talker which gives facts about the risks of high blood pressure. The key to being so effective is the strong call to action: Don’t wait to find out if you have high blood pressure!

Keep Up with Seasonal Trends

Looking for a way to incorporate seasonal marketing into your menu or product offering? Table tents offer a great solution for on-table promotions – especially since they’re easy to recycle when you’re finished with them and cheap to repurchase throughout the year. Lots of restaurants use 3-face table talkers to show seasonal dishes, whereas retailers use them for seasonal sales, like Black Friday and Christmas deals.

Advertise Events

One of the ways we love to use table talkers is to remind colleagues of upcoming events. And this works just as well for customers in a retail environment! Simply list all the need-to-know details (and some enticing sneak previews of what to expect from the event) to show off your event.

Article Source:

Best Types Of Custom Stickers To Use As Vehicle Window Decals

From bumpers to windows, one of the best ways to share a sticker is on a car or a truck. Many types of stickers work perfectly for getting your designs and logos to stick as moving billboards on all types of vehicles. Let’s take a look at the types of stickers that work well as vehicle window decals!

Digitally Printed Car Stickers

Die Cut, Kiss Cut, and Clear Decals are digitally printed in full colour for fantastic colour and detail matching your designs. Our digitally printed stickers are available with free custom shapes and finished with a durable outdoor lamination for lasting strength and resistance to natural elements like sun, wind, or rain.
Die Cut Stickers

With a crack and peel backing, and no visible liner on the finished stickers these are fun to share, and look great both before and after they are applied.

Glossy Die Cut Stickers are finished with a UV laminate, while Matte Die Cut Stickers are finished with an outdoor durable matte lamination.
Kiss Cut Stickers

Kiss Cut Stickers are finished with a small square of backing surrounding the custom shape of your stickers. Frame your designs, or easily stack your custom stickers on a counter or tabletop to encourage easy grabbing and stickering by your fans.
Clear Stickers

Choose from front or back face adhesive on your custom Clear Stickers for added versatility. Clear Stickers with front face adhesive are ideal for use inside of a window, such as window decals representing an alma mater.
Choose a back face adhesive when you want your custom Clear Sticker to be applied to any vehicle's exterior surface including windows, or bumpers. If your design needs a bit more opacity to stand out on darker vehicles, consider adding a layer of white ink behind your design.



10 Golden Rules For Designing A Business Card

Business cards represent the next step in making your small business dream a reality. And for many potential customers, it’s the first interaction they’ll have with your brand – so, make sure it’s a positive one.
A thoughtfully-designed business card does more than carry your contact information. It will make you look professional, build trust in customers, and set your small business apart from others. But before you start giving out business cards to everyone you meet, stop and ask yourself: What makes a good business card? How can you make it stand out, and ultimately bring in more business?
The answer: A careful combination of the information you include, and how you present it. Here, we’re giving you 10 essential tips on how to design a business card that best represents you (and your business!). Be on the lookout for advice from Tristan Le Breton, Creative Director at 99designs. 99designs is a creative platform that specializes in connecting graphic designers with their clients to create logos, websites, and more.
Ready to get started? Here’s how to design a business card:
  1. Find a template that reflects your brand’s personality.
  2. Find the right typeface.
  3. Settle on a size and shape.
  4. Organize your information.
  5. Do double duty.
  6. Maximize your logo.
  7. Leave some white space.
  8. Add something special.
  9. Include a call to action.
  10. Proofread.
  1. Find a template that reflects your brand’s personality.

Your business card says a lot about you and your small business…so, choose a design that reflects your brand. Maybe you’re an interior decorator who specializes in modern styling and loves clean lines – reflect that with a template that’s clean and simple. Or, perhaps you’re a dog walker with an outgoing personality – reflect the fun nature of your business with a colorful, less formal card.
  1. Find the right typeface.

If there’s a font you’ve been using on your website or other marketing materials, bring that into your business card. The font you choose should represent your brand – maybe an elegant script if you’re an etiquette coach, or typewriter-inspired font if you’re a writer – and be easy to read. All of your text should be at least 8 pts., but more important information (like your name or business name) can be printed in larger size, a different typeface, or in bold.
Tristan’s recommendation? "A good rule of thumb is to make the company name larger than a 12pt font, and never use any font sizes smaller than 8pt."
  1. Settle on a size and shape.

The size and orientation of your business card affects text size and the amount of information you can include…and also makes a statement about your brand. Are you a conventional, no-frills enterprise or a bold non-conformist?
Most business cards are rectangular, about the size of a credit card, and laid out horizontally. People are familiar with this format, so it’s a safe choice…but if you want to stand out, consider using a square shape, rounded corners, or vertical orientation.
  1. Organize your information.

Speaking of information…your business card should give customers everything they need to contact you, find you online, or locate your storefront. Aside from your name and job title, add your business name, telephone number, website, email address, and social media handles. Make sure you include all of this information on your business card so customers can easily contact you the way they feel most comfortable.
When you’re adding your information to your business card template, consider the way you lay it out. Each piece of info should be clearly distinguishable, but flow nicely with one another. "A good visual flow for a business card design should start with the logo, then the name, then move on to secondary information like email addresses and phone numbers," Tristan suggests. "You can always alter the visual flow by adjusting an element’s size, shifting its location, or adding additional white space."
  1. Do double duty.

Make your business card work twice as hard for you and your small business. Use the reverse side for appointment reminders, loyalty stamps, or as a blank canvas to showcase something about your business. For example, if you run a restaurant or cocktail bar, include a short recipe for a signature dish or drink. Do you sell handmade goods? Use business cards as tags for jewelry, clothing, accessories, and other crafts.
Another way to make your business card stick is by turning it into a magnet. This technique works particularly well for businesses offering recurring services like plumbing, gardening, pet sitting, hairdressing, car services, restaurants, and more. Customers will stick them on their refrigerators for easy, top-of-mind access to your contact information.
The options for repurposing your business card are endless…and can ensure your card gets further, lasts longer, and makes a stronger impression.
  1. Maximize your logo.

Tristan says, "Your card is more than just your contact information – it’s a representation of you and your brand. Before you think of creating new business cards, there are two crucial design components to consider: your finalized logo and your brand colors. These elements are the most important parts of your visual branding, and will help influence other areas of the card design process."
A business card is *all* about the logo – consider dedicating one side of your card solely to your logo. As a visual representation of your business, it deserves a prominent place that will instantly catch the eye of potential clients.
  1. Leave some white space.

Don’t clutter your card with too much text – if there are too many elements on the card, they’ll all compete for the reader’s attention and nothing will stand out. (And remember – you can utilize both sides of the card!) Design-wise, a little white space is easier on the eyes…and it can help draw attention to the most important details.
Plus, you might want to add a note before you hand off your card to someone – leaving a little room gives you space to jot down your new phone extension or give potential customers the name of a colleague.
Tristan reminds us that "the fewer elements you have, the more impact each will make – so think about how you can clear the clutter to leave a lasting impression."
  1. Add something special.

According to Tristan, "special finishes can go a long way in making a lasting impression on potential customers, partners, and clients."
One easy way to make your card stand out is to add an unusual design element or special print treatment. Foil accents add a touch of sophisticated shine, while embossed gloss creates a raised, glossy coating, giving your cards a hard-to-forget 3D feel.
Paper stock is another way to add something special to your business card. Extra-thick paper adds an instantly luxurious touch, while recycled kraft paper lends an organic feel.
Make sure these special features are appropriate for your branding – if you’re in a less glamorous line of work, it might feel odd to add a shimmery foil accent to your business card.
  1. Include a call to action.

A CTA isn’t a business card requirement, but it can encourage potential clients to take that next step. Whether it’s a special offer, a useful tip, or a discount code, create an incentive around your business to energize customers.
Consider using a QR code as part of your call to action. As people are increasingly comfortable with scanning QR codes, adding one to your business card is a great one-click way to send people to your website, subscribe them to your mailing list, or give them a special promotion. We suggest placing the code on the back of your business card – this ensures it’s easy to scan, and won’t take away from your logo on the front.
  1. Proofread…and then proofread again.

Is there anything worse than opening a freshly-printed box of business cards (or menus, or flyers) to see that there’s a typo? Before you place your order, ask a colleague or friend to double-check your business cards for spelling errors. If you want to be *extra* sure that your card is perfectly proofed, enlist the help of a copyediting professional. Since there is such a small amount of text on a business card, it should be a relatively quick, low-cost task.

Tips reshared from

Bunting Flags: All The Basic Info You Need

Promotional and advertising bunting flags are a cost-effective display solution suitable for retail displays, point of sale or events of all types. Bunting flags are printed double-sided and can be produced in custom sizes including form-cut designs.

Bunting Flag Shapes And Sizes

  • 300mm x 200mm (standard)
  • Custom size with any shape you want (must be within 300mm x 200mm)

Bunting Flag Artwork Templates

  • 200 x 300mm Rectangle Bunting Flag
  • 200 x 200mm Square Bunting Flag
  • 200 x 300mm Triangle Bunting Flag
  • Artwork Specs

Bunting Flag Materials

  • 200gsm paper for indoors
  • 280gsm synthetic paper for indoors or outdoors

Bunting Flag Finishing
  • Sewn into lengths (determined by us or you), packed in bundles.
  • Always double-sided unless specified.
  • Can be finished with black or white tape.

Bunting Flag FAQs

Can Bunting Flags be used outdoors?
They can be made to suit outdoor use or indoor use.

What stock are Bunting Flags printed on?
Bunting can be printed on 200GSM art paper for indoor use, 283GSM synthetic paper for outdoor use, or 600GSM block-out vinyl for long-term outdoor use.

Are there standard sizes and shapes for Bunting Flags?
Standard sizes are 200mm x 300mm either triangle or rectangle, or 200 x 200 either triangle or square.

What colour tape can I use?
Bunting tape can be either white or black.

Can you print one image on one side and another on the opposite side?
You can print different designs on each side, and alternate the designs in any order you like. For example, A / B / C / A / B / A or A / B / A / C.

Are there limitations on the lengths?
Bunting flag printers can typically produce any length of bunting, by cutting it down into shorter lengths so it's easier to manage. The most common lengths are 5m, 10m, 20, and 25m. Anything longer than 25m is not recommended as the bunting can become tangled.


Commercial Printing Types And How Businesses Can Use Them

When it’s time to print something for your existing business, you’ll be faced with several options from digital printers in Cape Town. Instead of going into the process blind, it’s wise to develop an understanding of each printing type. This will make you feel more confident about your ultimate decision.
Also, don’t forget that what works for one printing job may not work for another. Therefore, it’s a good idea to become familiar with a variety of commercial printing types.

What is Commercial Printmaking?

Commercial printmaking, also known as business printing, is a device that can print things for businesses such as leaflets and brochures. Of course, there is a lot more to it than that, which helps explain why there are multiple forms of printmaking. Whether you’re looking for offset lithography or large-format printing, this article compiled by professional digital printers can help!


What Are the Different Types of Commercial Printing?

We understand that your company’s message is of vital importance. We’ll talk to you about your printing options to figure out what type of commercial printing will work best for you. There are a wide variety of options, including:

Offset Lithography

Offset lithography works best for creating books, stationery, newspapers, and posters. Basically, if you’ve got a flat surface to print on, this type of commercial printing just might be ideal.
The way offset lithography works is by using printing plates. Once a plate has been inked, it is offset (or transferred) onto a rubber blanket before finally being moved onto the printing surface.
This particular printing style is good for jobs that require a high volume of work. There are four different towers that feed the printing paper to make sure you receive high-quality results.


Have you designed a new chocolate bar? You’ll want to choose flexography then, as this printing process is safe to be around food. The printing plates make sure that the ink dries quickly.
Other printing jobs that flexography can make easier include envelopes, tape, metal foil, corrugated cardboard, and plastic containers. It has also more recently been discovered that flexography provides a solid alternative for producing newspapers.
Flexible rubber is engraved before liquid ink floods the indention. The remaining liquid is rolled out on the rubber printing plate. Finally, the inked plate will transfer the words or imagery onto the page.

Digital Printing

There are two types of digital printers that can be used: sheet-fed production printers and cut-sheet digital press. In most cases, though, businesses in Cape Town that ask for digital printing stick with sheet-fed production printers. Either way, this process is much more affordable and will be produced much more quickly. That’s because there are no printing plates involved.
There are five main points that make digital printing so sought after, including faster turnaround rates, easy customization with design, higher quality results, exceptional color accuracy, and consistency.
Sometimes referred to as "direct to press" or "print on demand," digital printing enables you to make a quick change and reprint your marketing materials without costing an arm and a leg.

Large Format

Using the large format style is best for completing massive projects such as store displays, banners, posters, building wraps, tradeshow panel walls, etc. Preparing for a large format print style requires paying attention to a few simple tips.
  • Optimize your image.
  • Calibrate your screen.
  • Use Photoshop’s Soft-Proofing feature.
  • Convert your fonts into vectors.
  • Save your file to the appropriate type.
  • Use 300 dpi to receive the best quality.
These durably printed signs work very well, particularly if they’ve been printed from a PDF or TIFF file. Once your large format project is finished, you’ll have something you can use to market your business for a long time.

Screen Printing

Screen printing is the process through which people can make their own t-shirts. It begins with a stencilled design that is then transferred onto a flat surface with ink, a mesh screen, and a squeegee.
Sometimes referred to as silk screen printing or silk screening, this process will produce extremely vivid colours. It’s also a very efficient method for creating work uniforms or uniforms for a sports team.
Screen printing is almost always used to make t-shirts. However, as long as you use a special ink, you can print on plastic, metal, glass, and wood.

3D Printing

3D printing is the latest craze, and it almost seems like magic. After all, you take a digital design and then print it. This process works by putting the thin materials down first in the form of cement, metal, liquid plastic, or powdered plastic. The next step is fusing everything together.
3D printing has allowed people to create things that were previously unheard of. You can make everything from a cat figurine to a house.


If you want to be green-friendly, you can opt for UV LED printing. This process uses light rather than heat to transfer items. As a result, the ink dries immediately, and you have a broad range of print applications. This highly durable process can save you money, increase your operations, and lead to higher productivity.


Types Of Label Adhesives And How Well They Work

In a previous blog, we covered the three main types of pressure-sensitive adhesives and how basic properties (initial tack, cold flow, and service range temperature) vary – even if the adhesives are classified as the same "type."

This blog contains an overview of the factors that affect adhesive performance. Stick right where you are to learn about label adhesives and ensure you choose the best label printing for your needs!

Performance Factors To Know
Pressure-sensitive adhesives are available in different levels of stickiness. This affects how quickly they absorb into the surface they apply to. But along with a basic level of stickiness, there are other factors outside of the adhesive that can affect overall performance. Below are seven considerations outlined by the material suppliers that we consider, and you should consider too when selecting label materials.

Note: A "substrate" is the material, surface or container that comes in direct contact with the adhesive and face stock (i.e. the paper or film material your artwork prints on).
Composition, Texture, and Shape
  • Composition: The composition of the substrate can affect the adhesive’s ultimate strength and bond. Plastic, glass, paper, cardboard, metal, and fabric all have different compositions which can affect how an adhesive will perform. The standard permanent adhesive works well on most of these surfaces. Keep in mind that special adhesives may require extra considerations to ensure it’s compatible with the substrate’s composition.
  • Texture: A substrate’s texture matters because it can affect how well the adhesive bonds. Rough textures are harder for adhesives to stick to because there’s less surface area for the adhesive to grip. Cases like this require a more aggressive adhesive to achieve an acceptable level of adhesion.
  • Shape: Curves and angles can be difficult areas to label – especially if the label face stock is more rigid. PSAs require some time to flow into the substrate to achieve ultimate adhesion and when a rigid label applies to a curved surface, the label’s stiffness can cause it to lift up from the surface before the adhesive can fully bond. If that curved substrate also has a rough surface, you have an even tougher challenge. At this point, consider using a more flexible face stock or a more aggressive adhesive.

Cleanliness, Temperature, Moisture Contact, and Service Condition
  • Cleanliness: Whether it’s dirt, oil, frost, dust, etc., it’s important that the surface a label applies to is clean. An unclean surface prevents a label from achieving ultimate adhesion. In certain manufacturing processes, contamination is bound to happen. If having consistently clean surfaces isn’t an option, special adhesives help tackle issues.
  • Temperature: Temperature also plays a role in how well an adhesive can flow into the substrate. Extremely low temperatures can be problematic for adhesives. Adhesives have "minimum application temperatures," which are the lowest temperature they can be applied, and still have tack, before crystallizing and turning solid. If you must apply your labels in a cold environment, special adhesive would be needed. Specialized "cold temp" or "all temp" adhesives are used for application temperatures as low as -10 to -20 degrees F.
  • Moisture contact: Labels printed on paper materials don’t hold up well against direct moisture or humidity in the air. If the paper label has limited exposure to moisture, a laminate applies over the paper to protect the material’s integrity and printed image. Film labels are more durable against moisture contact, but clear film has some special adhesive considerations. When clear labels have an emulsion adhesive, and they apply to a wet or moist surface, the adhesive can re-emulsify turning the color milky white. The discoloration will go away over time but may take days or even weeks to happen.
    Side note: An emulsion is a mixture of two liquids that can’t mix (e.g. oil and water) without an emulsifier addition.
  • Service conditions: Keep in mind the various elements your labels encounter over their lifespan because of special materials required to ensure label quality. Moisture, abrasion, heat, cold, oil, dirt…the list of potential service conditions are practically limitless!

As you can see, label adhesives can act in many different ways depending on their environment and substrate. Fortunately, there are things you can do to ensure that the labels you choose to have printed are right for your labeling needs.

Info sourced from

Nearly 20 Ways To Create Effective Business Flyers

Though flyer marketing is relatively inexpensive and quite easy to do, marketing costs can build up over time. Small businesses are especially vulnerable to these costs. Thus, making effective business flyers the first time around ensures that your invested resources hit the return on investment you need.

So how can you create effective business flyers? Here are some tips to print awesome business flyers.

1. Keep your content brief.

Taking into account the design and the size of your flyer, the area where you could write content is limited. Don’t overwhelm your reader by squeezing in a lot of information. Write your content in a concise way. Leave only the essentials.

2. Divide your copy into digestible sections.

The appearance of your text can affect your reader’s interest. At first glance, long paragraphs look like giant walls of text that could turn off your reader. White space, that is the area around a certain design element, helps alleviate this strain. For informational business flyers, divide your content into sections with headings to make it pleasing to the eye.

3. Use bullet points and infographics.

In line with presenting your content succinctly, try to summarize data by using bullet points and charts. This would make the information easier to understand.

4. Create a catchy headline.

The headline will always be the first line of text that your recipients will read. Try to make it catchy in order to hook them to read further.

5. Add a call to action.

One of the most important parts of your content is the call-to-action statement. The call-to-action tells your reader what they should do after reading the information. "Call Us" or "Order Now" are common examples but feel free to be creative.

6. Don’t forget to add directions.

This holds true for both online and offline businesses. Add directions to your physical shop or put your website address. This makes your flyer useful to the reader as a future reference.

7. Include your contact information.

This is pretty obvious but can be easily forgotten. Always put your contact information on a flyer. The bottom part is usually the ideal place for easy access.

8. Always proofread your content.

It’s off-putting when there are mistakes in your content. Small things like spelling or grammar mistakes could steal the attention of your reader from the information itself. So always proofread your content before submitting it to your printing service provider.

9. Communicate using your target market’s language.

As with all marketing strategies, your flyers should fit well with your target market. This is highly dependent on your buyer persona. However, it’s always a good practice to use language that is easily understandable by your target market.

10. Use compelling testimonials.

If you are planning to use testimonials to promote your products and services, choose those that are well-written. Reviews that focus on a specific product or business details are great starting points.

11. Use colours that support your message.

Colour psychology is not a new thing in marketing. The use of colour can evoke a certain emotion from the reader. Use it to enhance your message. Take advantage of full-colour printing – all online printers offer this.

12. Limit your font choices to two or three.

Using multiple fonts often makes your design visually cluttered. Two to three typefaces are ideal when creating flyers. Additionally, choose fonts that are easy to read, even from a distance.

13. Choose the right paper stock.

Since the flyer is meant to be handed out, you need paper that is durable and good quality. Check out the different paper stocks offered by your printing provider and choose appropriately.
14. Apply paper coatings.

In addition to paper thickness, the optional paper coatings can also make your flyers last longer. Matte and gloss coatings add another layer of protection. They also make your design more vivid.

15. Use high-resolution photos.

Blurry and jagged photos can turn off any reader. Worse, readers may equate low-resolution images to unprofessional services and a lack of attention to detail. Always use crisp and clear photos for your flyers.

16. Incorporate your logo with the design.

This is very important but often overlooked. Add your logo to your flyer design for added brand recognition.

17. Account for bleed and trim.

When printing a batch of printing materials, cutting each individual cannot be fully accurate. Always keep important information away from the edges to avoid accidental trimming. Make use of the layout templates to account for the bleed and trim.

18. Distribute in high-traffic areas.

For effective business flyers, distribute them in high-traffic areas where your target demographic frequents. Places, where people wait in line or stand idle, are ideal for flyer distribution.